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Shortstop Coffee and Doughnuts: Melbourne, Australia

Our first morning in Melbourne, we ventured out in search of the legendary Australian coffee. I had done a bit of internet sleuthing before we arrived and had saved Shortstop Coffee and Doughnuts on my google map since it was close to the hotel and had great reviews.

Located down an unassuming little alleyway, this shop is easy to miss. However, the queue outside told us we were heading in the right direction. The shop itself is pretty tiny with an open kitchen, serving area, and a few places to sit. We were lucky that when we arrived on a Sunday morning, most of the customers seemed to be picking up takeaway orders so we were able to grab a table by the window.

I'm not usually a doughnut fan but these were pretty spectacular. Made up of unusual combinations, it was actually a little hard to choose since they were all new to us. We liked that they were all being made fresh as we watched since it meant you'd were sure to avoid picking a stale leftover doughnut!

By the register was a little display case of all of the flavor options. These included: Lemon Poppyseed, Triple Matcha, Earl Grey and Rose, Pumpkin Spiced Latte, Maple Walnut and Brown Butter, Vanilla Bean, Cinnamon Cardamom and Sugar, New Orleans Iced Coffee, Australian Honey and Sea Salt, Blueberry Cheesecake, and Coconut Lemon Meringue. Phew, so many delicious options!

After debating for far too long, we settled on sharing one of the Maple Walnut and Brown Butter raised doughnuts. It was delicious! We also went with two flat white coffees to get into the Aussie swing of things. While the doughnut was delicious, we were really glad we shared it since it was also pretty rich.

The staff were incredibly nice and patient with us as we dithered in our decision making. Our jet-lagged minds just couldn't comprehend all the tasty options! If you're in Melbourne, we highly recommend popping in for a fabulous introduction to the Australian food scene!


Address: 12 Sutherland Street, Melbourne, 3000

Hours: Weekdays 8am - 5pm, Weekends 9am - 5pm

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